Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Don't Get Caught With Your Panties Down"

"Don't Get Caught With Your Panties Down"
Phrase of the week courtesy of Erika Kristen.
Explanation: Simply put, handle your business (another phrase),
do what you need to do, so you're not standing around saying what happened.

So much negativity so little time.
Everybody has a dream or dreams.
Please, I implore you don't let other people's narrow
minded thinking
stop you from pursuing yours.
This is an issue I'm very passionate about,
as I have been for
many years. So bare with me.
It pains me that unfortunately we live in a
very ageist country.
We tell the people around us, once you reach a certain age
its time to call it a life.
We're touted as being a country of doers and dreamers,
jumping in and getting our hands dirty, pulling out all the stops in
order to achieve a goal. Perhaps that was true overall, at some point.
I know there are still many people who believe and practice this
philosophy, but I find that quite often that
ideology is contradicted,
because of our irrational and unrealistic views toward aging.
We shouldn't only talk about how tenacious we are, on the 4th of July
in front of television cameras, for the local evening news.
I sincerely believe that nothing is beyond your grasp.
But within reason. (And no I'm no back peddling)
Let's say you're in you're 80's, and you want to become a doctor, and
you never finished or attended college at all.
When you combine four years of college, medical school, and a residency,
probably not a realistic goal.
I know that's an extreme example, but none the less there are plenty
of people who give up on something, and then look back years later with
tremendous regret.
My overall point is that those of us in our 20's and 30's, have plenty of time
left before we have to throw in the proverbial towel.
Did you know that there are people in their mid 20's that think their old
because they'll be 30 in five years. Talk about being pessimistic and

As the phrase goes: "Don't be that person"

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