Monday, April 6, 2009

Starting My Do Over

But not in the way one might typically think.
There really is only one thing in my life that I wish hadn't happened,
(More on that at a later date) other that I wouldn't change a thing.
I just want a chance once again to stand at the starting gate.
I'm in my own version of the End Of Days. Not as biblical in nature, but

still just as dire. It's time for me to break camp and start my life over.
As bad as my depression has been, I have to remember the fact that
I'm still young, and anything is possible, and I have a chance to see where
those possibilities will take me because I'm still here.
Lately there seems to have been an influx of children being murdered
by their parents or someone else close to them.

A father murdered his two young children, several weeks ago, who were both
under the age of ten, simply because he did not like the mother's new boyfriend.
Also, several months ago an 8 year old in California was raped
by a WOMAN!!! no less (what's that shit about???),
with a foreign object, and then strangled to death. Lord Have Mercy.
Those little ones will never have the chance to finish school, overcome
obstacles and challenges, have their first best friend, boyfriend or girlfriend,
begin the career of their dreams, get married, raise children, grow old with
the people they love more than anyone in the world, because their breath was stolen from them.

But for me, and anyone else reading this, WERE STILL HERE!!!
And though it doesn't feel like it at the moment, it's the biggest blessing we have right now!!!

There's still so much more I have to say on this issue.
I'll hit you guys on the flip side.


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