♪Music Industry Tales and Life survival stories. Think of it as a literary version of a GPS. I go through the crap, so you don't have to!!! d-_-b
Monday, July 25, 2011
Females Characters On Soaps who currently make my teeth itch & my brain numb!
As a female I know we can have our issues from time to time, we are certainly not by any stretch a perfect gender. However, there are certain decisions, ethical choices and thought processes that leave me in a state of confusion and anger. Women are the cornerstone of and will ALWAYS be the ♡ of SOAPS, in the 21st century why are we not more empowered!!!! on these shows. Now, on to my list:
Deanna One Life To Live:This character was initially brought on to throw a monkey wrench into the newly developed relationship of Starr & James. I don't have a problem with her being brought on for that reason that in of itself, it's a typical soap staple that soaps have been using since Jesus was a fetus. In theory she should have been on screen 3 or 4 months tops and then off the canvas. However, her nightmarishly bad acting combined with the character's piss poor ethics (case in point: Her advice to Nate after they find out Matthew's in the hospital with a severe brain injury that he caused after punching him out & him falling on table corner, "Oh it's probably not that bad, he's still alive, no one knows it was you, hey he was still breathing when you left) have made it all the more unbearable! And just when you hoped it wouldn't get any worse, they get blackmailed by a sleezy porn director who gets his hands on Deanna's Bio Mom's whereabouts & says: "Star in one of my skin flicks and I'll give you the info" Why oh why didn't she just go to the cops and let them know what was going on. All she had to do was say, this guy is blackmailing me, arrest him so the information can be released to the state where I'm from, so I can legally gain access to it. But NO she instead has sex with a guy she barely knows in a film that will live forever in celluloid! Side note: If I see her make that sad puppy dog face again whenever she hears something upsetting, I'm gonna reach my hands through my flat screen and choke her imaginary ASS!!!!
Chloe: Days of Our Lives: Another situation where someone is being blackmailed do to something that she should not! Seriously go to Ebay and buy a clue, just tell the authorities this scumbag is telling me if I don't FUCK random dudes on his order that he'll upload a video of us having sex on the web. Homie your voicebox works, your legs aren't broken, plus your good friends with your child's cousin who is a lawyer, what's the problem! I'm ALL for people who are brave and want to handle their own business, but this is a time when you need to reach out to other folks, and she has plenty who can help her.
Carly: Days of our Lives: There are not too many of us who have not experienced what it's like to like someone who doesn't like us back. Most def it SUCKS!!!! and depending on the situation it can ALSO be completely UNFAIR. God Bless people who are going through drug addiction, everyone has their reason or reasons, no judgement here. But for a character who has always has such a HUGE amount of self esteem and a backbone to deal with the loss of a possible relationship by snorting perscription drugs through a straw like a cokehead, all I can say is that it is SIMPLY NOT HER and very insulting to her character! Nuff said!!!!
Sam: General Hospital: The LOVE of your life asks you to marry him and instead of you saying YES right away, you over analyze it and say STUPID SHIT like I don't care about a ring or a ceremony BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! Dude it's OK to be a girl sometimes, really it is! I know it's not what she's used to but when your man goes out of his way to create a romantic roof top dinner when you know it's not usually his style is flattering, and the last time I checked a good thing, so just GO WITH IT and say YES!!!! Also, and this REALLY gets my panties in a bunch, accepting someone for who they are emotionally, is one thing, but to marry someone who is in the MOB!!!! knowing that at any time you and or your possible child to be could be GUNNED DOWN and not at least discussing his leaving is SELFISH and inconsiderate to you as well as any progeny you may have! Wanting him to leave does not mean you don't respect him, it ONLY means your trying to give yourself a chance to have the best possible life you can!!!!
Monday, May 23, 2011
To ALL who are insensitive & unfeeling about what those of us in the soap community are going through!
I received a link recently from one of the many Facebook "Do not cancel the soaps" pages that I belong to. (Sorry I can't remember which one) And I want to respond today to ALL who believe that we should simply "get over it" My anger is not only directed at Perez Hilton, but to ALL who share his crass opinion!!!! Perez was quoted in the article as saying "Nobody likes to see their favorite shows canceled, but it's a part of life, guys! Let's try and suck it up and move on, shall we?
Perez touts himself as being someone who has his finger on the pulse of entertainment, yet if Perez or anyone else who shares this viewpoint would bother to ask anyone in the soap community, from fans to actors and back again what the real reason is as to why the soaps are being taken away from us, I would like to think that they would not have the same response. But they are so selfish and self centered, that they probably would anyway. The executives at "the big 3" as the saying goes "NBC, CBS & ABC do not have any familiarity or history with Soaps. They are not concerned with the fact that this is a time honored section within the arts that has a multi-generational following & that predates television. All they are concerned with is the fact that they are too cheap to produce them. Our feelings be Damned! The Perez Hilton's of the world can complain about any and everything they please until the cows come home. We live in a country that emphasizes that we should fight for our rights and stand by our beliefs. Yet when we are in an uproar, we are having a hard time letting it go, and should get over it. It makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit that the soap community is held at a different standard! Viewers of Soaps DO NOT APOLOGIZE for being a soap fan, or your anger about them being taken away!!!! STAND STRONG until the end, and past it!!!
Perez Article: http://perezhilton.com/2011-05-18-soap-opera-fans-protest-cancelation-of-one-life-to-live-and-all-my-children
Friday, April 15, 2011
Breaking News Until Further Notice "ABC" will now stand for "Assholes, Bastards, & Cunts"
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Shame, Shame, use your head next time!
Just watched a previous Biggest Loser episode on OnDemand & I have to vent, when Austin went home for 2 weeks I was very dissapointed that his friends didn't get him a custom made cake low in calories & fat that he could eat at his own B'Day Party. I don't have to know his friends to know that they love and care about him, but for them to completely forget about the fact that he is on a weight loss program, and have him standing around eating nothing, while they noshed on cheesecake, was absolutely INSENSITIVE! So not COOL! In that moment, they were "bad friends" Shame on them! And one of the friends said "oh I feel bad" REALLY bad", well apparently you didn't feel bad enough to remember that it was all about him that day! Look, I know no one is perfect, however, let's all remember to be a bit more sensitive and adult, when someone we know and love is going through a situation where they need our support and compassion. I'm just sayin'! Good luck to everyone on the show, I'm right there with you, fighting the good fight!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Days of Our Lives Book Signing @ Navy Pier in Chicago 3.6.11
Days of Our Lives Book Signing: Here's the lowdown in case you attend. 1st they didn't tell people ahead of time that there would be a fee to get in. Not cool. The signing in Chicago was at the Flower & Garden Show, $17 to get in to the event, could be different wherever you are. 2nd after standing in line for half an hour we were informed that we needed to buy 1 of the 2 books they were selling in order to stand in line, that even just to say "hi" that we needed to buy a book. Again something we were not told ahead of time. Already paid $17 to get in I'm not buying any damn thing else I thought to myself. Luckily the mother and daughter in front of me that I befriended lent me 1 of their books, so kind of them, won't forget them for that. Hey I'm a hustler, I would have figured out a way to stay in line regardless! All of the actors were SUPER SWEET & NICE!, especially Molly Burnett & Shawn Christian, who is such a flirt. I'm not mad at him. Molly is AWESOME, so funny I ♡ her. And Deidre Hall apologized for the wait in line, and being rushed, they were trying to get them to O'Hare ASAP, & thanked me for my patience. No problem, Deidre. Very classy lady, it was an honor to meet her! It was worth waiting in line an hour and 25 min.'s ;-)