Saturday, March 20, 2010

Jesus Keep me near the Cross!!!! This Kristina Davis attack storyline has me trippin' HARD!!!!

I've been watching Soaps since 1979 when I was 9 years old.

And over the years, I've seen various storylines on many soaps that

have caused me to say, are these people smocking halucinogenic HARDCORE!!!! Street Crack!!!!

However, I can honestly say that, this particular storyline, is the most infruiating, disturbing, disappointing as well as one of the most amazing ones that I've ever seen!!!!

General Hospital has been a sickening dissapointment sine the FULL time incorporation of the mob in the 90's.

However, since the addition of Dominic Zamprogna as well as the Kristina Davis asalt storyline, GH for the 1st time in 20 years has given me a reason to have a vested interest in the show.

As a whole so far the Kristina Davis storyline is being brilliantly written and acted.

However, my overall opinion about the storyline, when it's said and done, depends on how the writers

choose to close it out.

And there is one way to do it and one way only!!!!

This young lady, once her lie is brought to light, does not need to be Coddled.

Her mother and older sister Sam, need to ball her out and read her like a book,

cover to cover.

If this does not happen it will give her the message that she has Card Blanche to do

it again. Her upbringing has Seriously Skewed her view on men, and relationships.

It's one thing to protect your attacker, but when you are telling people he's REALLY not

a bad guy, he just gets a little too mad sometimes, that's something completely different!!!!

Not only that, she needs to go through intensive HARDCORE!!!! scared straight therapy!!!!

Not once a week for an hour, but several times a week for at LEAST a YEAR!!!!

Unfortunately, GH has chosen to do what MOST soaps have done since Jesus was a fetus,

and that is kill the character off who has done SOO MUCH horrible non redeemable damage,

before he/she can be drawn and quartered and humiliated in front of the entire community.

The beatings that Kristina received from her boyfriend Keifer were DISGUSTING at BEST,

however, her lying and pinning the attacks on someone who didn't do it were not much better.

Since the identity of the real attacker has come to light, Kristina has been quoted as saying that Keiker is

a decent person that simply has anger management issues.

She had more distain for Ethan who she thought killed her boyfriend, than she she did for the

MUTHERFUCKER who has been beating the shit out of her for MONTHS.

I WANT to see intensive hardcore BOOTCAMP Like style therapy for Kristina's character, or

I will not be satisfied!!!!

I applaud GH for tackling such a real world contemporary issue. However, Kristina's recovery

has to be as well written as the beginning of her abuse was.

And with them killing Keifer Bauer off os early as they did, I don't have a lot of faith that it will happen!!!!

Please prove me wrong!!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What Is The World Coming To!!!!

Virginia Tinsley, of Washington Township, N.J., answers a question Wednesday, March 17, 2010, outside a Wal Mart store in Washington Township, N.J.,  where she and others complained Sunday about comments that came over the store's public address system. Wal-Mart officials are reviewing security tapes after an announcement was made for

Logging into my yahoo email this morning I discovered something incredibly shocking.
And yet not at the same time. About a year and a half ago I saw a documentary called
"Walmart The High Cost of Low Prices" and decided that I would never darken their doorway
again, and I haven't. And upon hearing this latest news, I'm even more determined to keep
this promise to myself. In WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, N.J. someone got on the loud speaker and announced "All black people, leave the store now." Apparently this ignorant MUTHERFUCKER thought this Shit would would be a hoot. It's NOT on sooooooo many
This is not the first time that Walmart has had issues dealing with discrimination!
See the link above, for the full story.
In any case, PLEASE all my Black, half Black and Latin Peoples For the time being do not patronize this store!!!!
I'm not naive, I realize that racism will never completely go away.
However, in 2010 of the 21st century, you would think that in a place like Walmart,
that caters to broke ass Mutherfuckers across all ethnic and cultural persuasions, that
this type commentary would not come into the minds of the employees or patrons of such
an establishment!!!!
PLEASE my Facebook Peoples spread this story like a virus to any and everyone you know!!!!
They must be exposed!!!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Killer Whale Rages Against the Machine!!!!

Woke up this morning, rubbing my sweet little sleepy cocoa cocoa brown eyes, to the sounds of a newscaster reporting some truly HORRIFIC stuff!!!!
But I knew I wasn't dreaming.
Yesterday, in Florida at Sea World a Killer Whale was clearly expressing that he wants to seek other job opportunities.
During a performance, a witness reported that the whale rose up out of the water, and pulled a trainer working in
the show under!!!!
Can you imagine being the person who witnessed this shit? Therapy for life anyone?
Truth is I can, but I don't want to.
The problem is, there's no way you can hear something like that and not have a visual.
What's really scary, is that this is the
THIRD TIME!!!! this particular whale
You don't need to read between the lines, to get what's going on here.
He's like LOOK, I'm sick of doing circus tricks for you bastards,
put my ASS back in somebody's ocean, I don't give a DAMN which
one Atlantic, Pacific, take your pick bitches, or
I'm gonna keep eating Mutherfuckers!!!!

God bless this poor person's family.

Cheers Ya'll

Thursday, January 28, 2010

14g Soap Rant: AMC 40th Anniversary Review

OK OK I know, it's several weeks late, but things came up.

However, I still wanted to get a few things off my chest.

First of all (oh yeah I should mention all points made will be totally random Ha Ha)

I really would have appreciated the original theme music and graphics,

to open the show, but then again, there I go with common sense, silly me.

I thought there 40th opener was cheesy, with not a lot of thought put into it.

I also couldn't wrap my head around why Amanda Baker was featured

in the Babe and JR flashbacks and not Alexa Havins, the original Babe

Chandler. I know a lot of people had mad issues with this character, and I won't

go into those now, too many to list, however, in my humble opinion, love her or

hate her (she was an excellent actress I thought) she owned the role. Alexa

truly grasped the concept of who Arabella "Babe" Carey Chandler was suppose to be.

Also, I agree with Jordan and Ashlee of the Pine Valley Podcast that no one

offering condolences to Matao about his sister's passing was incredibly tacky!

At least Eva La Rue aka Maria Grey made up for that in spades. When she talked about Julia,

it ripped my heart out! Hooker made me cry dammit. Then again, I'm a huge fan of Eva,

she doesn't have to do much to impress me, she's so good. She's been on CSI Miami since

2006 I believe, and comes in to shoot for one AMC episode, and in my humble opinion,

blew so many people out of the water!

And shame!! on ABC for advertising the anniversary as a two day event.

Seriously, are you kidding me, this soap celebrates 40 years on the air and

you can't seem to muster up 2 days worth of old and new footage plus

interviews to honor that achievement(at least that's how I would have done it).

However shitty this soap currently is, it still should have been properly acknowledged.

I don't get why the AMC producers had to come up with such a LAME!!!! plot to in order to

introduce the anniversary into the storyline. It was completely unnecessary.

Why not just do a two day tribute, PERIOD! If introducing the anniversary show in this

way was such a sticking point with them, which clearly it was, then the ONLY way to do it

would have been to write it in a "Time Out of Time" fashion. It is a style of

writing rarely done, at least in soaps, as far as I know. "Days of Our Lives" did

it not that long ago, back in the late 90's, if I'm not mistaken, and it was brilliant.

(If anyone remembers the actual year please tell me. Just curious.)

You know, it's funny, I almost believe me when I say almost didn't watch the 40th

Anniversary show. Why, well, the show has been such an abysmal disappointment for

myself as well as many others over the past two years or so. To the point where I've

pretty much boycotted the show for the last 4 months only watching about 20 or so

episodes. So when commercials for the 40th Anniversary were running I honestly did

not give a shit! About two days before the Anniversary show aired, I was suddenly

struck hard by the fact that I didn't want to watch an Anniversary show for a soap that

I've watched since 1979, when I was 9 years old. That's fucked up!!!! In the end curiosity

got the better of me, and I tuned in.

Moving the show out of New York is so blasphemous, that they really better step it

up in LA, to make up for such a horrible decision. I know were in a recession, but I

just can't help but think that there had to be another way to cut back costs until the

economy improved other than moving it from the east coast.

That all, I'm spent.
